Saturday, March 28, 2015

Tuakana / Teina

"Ma te tuakana ka totika te teina, ma te teina ka totika te tuakana”

“From the older sibling the younger one learns the right way to do things, and from the younger sibling the older one learns to be tolerant”

In Room 1 we value our older peers from the Piha community coming to share our love for reading and new literacy skills.

Our older peers from Room 17 helped us to improve our portrait drawings by giving positive feedback about how we could improve our first draft and add more details. 

Click to see Austin's butterfly - It encourages children to give feedback to improve their work.
"You could make your face more oval. I like the position of your eyes. You could add eye lashes too."

OUR TUATARA will stick at their learning until they get it right! Here is one of the first drafts. - We will post some more when we finish the process and make our improvements.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Who am I?

We published our Mihi mihi.

We learned to talk about ourselves in Maori.


Lined up ready to go! 

What amazing kids we have. So proud of our Room 1 stars xxx

Monday, March 9, 2015

Bike skills and helmet safety

 Helmet Perfect!

Let's go!

We were practising our bike riding skills. we played games to be aware of others in the space, change direction and stop safely. We also had a good look at the 2-4-1 rule when wearing our helmet.
2 fingers between helmet and eyebrows to protect front of head.

 4 fingers - V shape on both sides of helmet to show where the side straps should sit under ears.
1 finger fitting between chin and the strap. Anymore and it is too loose!

sorting and classifying

Finding answers to our inquiry questions... we are learning more about who we are, how we are alike and unique.
We have used statistics to find out, sort and organise this information.

We sorted every day objects into sets. We looked at which sets had more or less and discussed why they are the same and different. 

This helped us to make sense of our inquiry questions - The girls are looking at the pictograph and reading which pets are most popular in room 1. 
Sorting skills also helped us on the community day - when we made face biscuits from around the world, the children had to consider different eye, hair and skin colours, so they sorted the lollies into colour sets.