Sunday, February 22, 2015

Mathematic fun and thinking


Our fantails - Sharing, communicating and learning numbers through group games.


Our octopus - having a go and feeling success to order numbers. 

Deep thinking owls- using our tools to see the relationship between how a number looks with the value in counters.

Learning focus and doing the right thing...

"I'm going to make a long line up to 20" and he did!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Inquiry break out!

What do you want to find out? Encouraging wonderings about the butterflies.

Our nature table was filled with info to stimulate questions, writing and paintings about butterflies.

Our wonderings...

Is the butterfly really in the chrysalis? 

How long will it take to come out?

What can a butterfly eat?

Can I make a butterfly picture that looks the same?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week one - Getting started!


 Room 1 engaging in learning - Making choices for Action stations!

Culture and Identity - Who am I?

The children showed great interest in colour mixing paints to create new shades and colours, so we extended this learning opportunity to explore our own unique self. We mixed paints and looked in the mirror to create a self portrait. (All the best artists paint themselves!)