Sunday, November 29, 2015

Vege animal creations

What do we need to survive? What does our natural environment provide, for our plants and animals to survive?

Animals need food (vegetation), water, the sun light, shelter and lots of cocktail sticks!!!

Monday, September 21, 2015


Room 1 had a great visit to Stardome. It helped to consolidate all of our learning from this term about Planet Earth and Beyond!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

What is out there??? Our Space inquiry!

Our inquiry about SPACE is an opportunity to integrate learning across the curriculum. We are exploring writing about facts we know, what we want to find out and interesting new learning. Every day we have a star writer who is very proud to show the class their work and learning goals.

Lots of questions are flowing with things we would like to find out!

It is inspiring a range of art activities to improve our mixed media art skills. See the finished work in class!

The children have placed themselves on the learning matrix. It is a learning progression from Novice to Expert. This is our starting point!
 We have made links with some of the Maori myths and legends - this is some of our work about Maui and the Sun.

And this is just the start!!! I wonder where we will take the next stage of the inquiry?

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Life Education Caravan

In the caravan we explored
how to be a good friend.

Life Education caravan fun. Here are our pictures of Harold the Giraffe and the things we liked the best from the experience. 


Monday, June 8, 2015


To add traction to our inquiry about forces and motion, Room 1 enjoyed an educational visit to MOTAT. We learned more about simple machines.
We looked at ways simple gears work.

We enjoyed this amazing big screw.
The children explored pulley systems and noticed that a simple machine like a pulley can work so well it helps us have the strength to lift friends.

In the classroom challenges were set to build our own simple machines. This team built a skateboard using the simple machine a wheel and axel.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Friday songs

The Huapai Guitar tutor popped in to sing some songs and share her string instruments. If you are interested in a music tutor see the office for further details.


Magnetism - inquiry challenges to help tune in!

Magnetism- what objects around the room attract a magnetic force?

Inquiry questions + Inquiring children = Team work!!!

How can you make a paperclip move without touching it with your hand or magnet?